Utah :: Order Decals

Motor Fuel Tax Decals Available!

Effective January 1, 2024, state fuel taxes increased by 2.1 cents.

There is no law requiring retailers to post fuel tax decals on their pumps, but the UPMRA board of directors chose to print the enclosed fuel tax decals to help educate consumers about how much State and Federal tax is paid on every gallon of motor fuel.

Decals are available for counties with and without the additional 1⁄4 cent sales tax.

Green (Gas) and Orange (Diesel) Decals are for use in the following counties that do not have a county sales tax: Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Daggett, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Juab, Kane, Millard, Morgan, Piute, Salt Lake, Summit, Uintah, Utah, Washington, Wasatch and Wayne counties.

Yellow (Gas) and Purple (Diesel) Decals are for counties that have added a 1⁄4 cent per dollar in sales tax: Carbon, Davis, Duchesne, Grand, Rich, San Juan, Sanpete, Sevier, Tooele and Weber counties.

If your marketing contracts don’t allow bright colored decals on your pumps, decals in black and white are also available.

Order online below, or download the form to order decals today. Email Kim White at WPMA: kimw@wpma.com, or fax to 801-262-9413, or call 801-263-9762.

Enter the amount of each decal you would like:

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