Membership Benefits
Lobbying and Government Relations
Each state organization works as an active voice for petroleum marketers and convenience store operators with state government agencies and with state legislatures. The State Executives are well represented within their profession and represent marketers efficiently within their state. The WPMA head office coordinates regional issues and national issues as covered by EMA. The members are kept informed of these matters through weekly updates and bimonthly magazines.
WPMA keeps members abreast of trends, changes, regulations, and laws affecting the petroleum industry. We do this through our magazine, Western Petroleum Marketers News, along with our weekly Update. These publications include current industry information, articles from officers and directors, general advertising (rates available upon request) and classified advertising. We also mail specific information, when necessary, concerning up-to-date changes in regulations and practices.
WPMA works continually to improve communications among all petroleum marketers through both local and state meetings and involvement in regional and national conventions. These meetings give petroleum marketers a chance to meet fellow marketers from other areas and exchange strategies and ideas. Those who attend these meetings, workshops, and trade exhibits gain ideas that help increase profits.
As one of our expanding services to our members, WPMA awards nine merit scholarships annually. The program awards a $4,000 scholarship to a deserving student within each of the eight WPMA member states each year, and one to a student from an associate member company. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior and the son or daughter of a WPMA marketer or their full-time employee, whose primary residence is located within the WPMA state where the membership resides; or a graduating high school senior who is the son or daughter of an associate member or of a full-time, permanent employee. High school senior students who currently work part-time for a WPMA member company and have worked for the company for at least three months are also eligible to apply for the WPMA scholarship.
Become a Member
Becoming a member is easy. Please download and fill out the application and fax or mail it back to WPMA.
Calendar of Events

Feb 11th, 2025
UPMRA Day on the Hill
Utah State Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT
Sep 9 - 11, 2025
2025 Utah (UPMRA) Convention
Sheraton Park City
Park City, UT