Oregon :: Newsletter and Updates

Newsletter and Updates

2024 Oregon - Winter Magazine

Winter 2024

Winter is here, and with it comes the opportu- nity for change. For all of us, the election has been front and center on our minds.
Most of the country saw a red wave electing President Trump and flipping the US Senate to Republican control. But like many other years, that red wave crashed at the border of Oregon. All statewide races went to Democrats and Democrats gained a supermajority in the Oregon Senate (18-12). On the flip side, Republicans held the line to avoid giving Democrats a supermajority in the Oregon House (35-25). Read More...

2024 Oregon - Fall Magazine

Fall 2024

I hope you all enjoyed your summer and took time to relax and enjoy family and friends. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are now headed for our dreaded "rainy season," which for us is the next nine months! I am excited to introduce myself as the new Execu- tive Director of the Oregon Fuels Association. I am thankful to be part of the leadership for OFA, and work towards further strengthening and supporting the industry in our state. I was able to meet many of you at the event in Sunriver, but for those of you whom I missed, I look forward to doing so. Read More...

2024 Oregon - Summer Magazine

Summer 2024

The Legislature is focused on a transportation infrastructure and funding package for the 2025 Legislative Session. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) estimates a total funding gap of $1.8 billion annually in agency operations and system safety investments and a funding gap of nearly $2.4 billion in infrastructure improvements included in the 2017 transportation package. Those are huge funding needs that will put a lot of pressure on the 2025 legislature to resolve. Read More...

2024 Oregon - Spring Magazine

Spring 2024

We here in Oregon are enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures. Beautiful weather reminds us that Summer is just around the corner and you know what that means ... the OFA Convention at Sunriver is coming, July 14-16, 2024. Now is the time to register and book your rooms before they are all gone. We have a great lineup of speakers scheduled and plenty of activities for the entire family so bring the kids. Forget Disneyland... Sunriver is the happiest place on Earth! Read More...

2023 Oregon - Winter Magazine

Winter 2023

Oregon enjoyed a beautiful fall, full of spectacular colors, and now we have settled in for winter rains. I am thrilled, however, that the mighty El Niño has promised us that our winter will be warmer and drier than usual. I will be holding him to that. Read More...

2023 Oregon - Fall Magazine

Fall 2023

The leaves have turned, football is well underway, and Oregonians have adjusted quite nicely to the changes brought by HB2426, which offers them choice at the pump. This matter of self-service, which The Oregonian said has "long been one of the most polarizing issues in Oregon" was historically signed into law on August 4, 2023 by Governor Tina Kotek, thus allowing Oregonians to pump their own gas for the first time in 72 years! Read More...

2023 Oregon - Summer Magazine

Summer 2023

The sun appeared to issue a welcome to the most beloved of all seasons in Oregon, Summer! Some of us held the belief that it was holding out in solidarity with the Oregon Senate Republicans but it is now here, celebrating the beginning of a new chapter for Oregonians which was long in coming. Read More...

2023 Oregon - Spring Magazine

Spring 2023

The 82nd Oregon Legislative Assembly convened January 17th for the 2023 session. This was following the inauguration of Oregon’s 39th Governor, Tina Kotek, on January 9, 2023. OFA’s amazing team from Romain Freese LLC., Danelle Romain and Mike Freese, diligently continued their lobbying this session on the issues of great importance to our members here at OFA. HB-2426, Consumer-Choice Fueling, was one being watched most closely. It quickly moved out of committee and then passed through the House handily with strong bipartisan support. At the time of this writing, we are eagerly anticipating that it will pass the Senate as well.. Read More...

2022 Oregon - Winter Magazine

Winter 2022

Oregon has just come through an arduous election cycle and is eagerly looking forward to a quick Winter respite before our legislative session convenes following the swearing in of our new Governor on January 9, 2023. We will then roll up our sleeves and get busy once again, working hard for our members and their businesses. Read More...

2022 Oregon - Fall Magazine

Fall 2022

There is nothing more beautiful than Oregon in the fall. The leaves on the trees are changing col- or, the crisp autumn air is refreshing, the rains have not yet fully begun and college football is underway! Yet, here at Oregon Fuels Association, we are still basking in the glow of what was our most successful annual conference to date this past July, thanks to the generosity of our amazing sponsors. Their support was integral to our ability to serve our membership and we are exceedingly grateful. Read More...

2022 Oregon - Summer Magazine

Summer 2022

Another summer is upon us, and my hope is that we are in a better place than when I am writing this article. While our industry is strong and we continue to see growth in store sales and out on the islands, we continue to have volatility throughout the channels that we do business within. Project delays with extended lead times are pushing our industry backwards and we are feeling the pain. Our limited employee pool is still retracting and the ones that remain are tak- ing the blunt of consumer frustration for the higher prices everyone is paying on energy. Hang in there and be the leading change that you want for your people! Read More...

2022 Oregon - Spring Magazine

Spring 2022

On the brink of a March 11th mask mandate reversal, the world changed before we could take a breath. Long gone are the days where you cast your worries aside during the weekends. We must stay engaged day in and day out to keep pace with the transformations taking shape in and around the world. These are the times when our daily management of our businesses makes the difference. Read More...

2021 Oregon - Winter Magazine

Winter 2021

As we wrap the year up and spend time with loved ones, I?m reminded of my friendly competitors, industry personnel, and front-line workers. To many of us, this year has been another roller-coaster of events that we are trying to navigate the best we can. But I would like to take a moment and thank the people that help make our jobs meaningful. Read More...

2021 Oregon - Fall Magazine

Fall 2021

Coming from Oregon, that could mean a multitude of things ... But coming from the President of Oregon Fuels Association, it’s a reference to the amazing Annual Conference we just wrapped up in Sunriver! Our Association and Members at large were pressed with a Call to Action: To stay engaged and step into the conversation. Our Industry has a target on our backs. Read More...

Important Information for Customers on Self-Service

Latest News

Health and safety are a priority. In order to help fuel stations comply with social distancing requirements that are necessary to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Office of the State Fire Marshal is allowing self-service pumping of fuels at Oregon gas stations through at least May 23, 2020. Read More...

Self-service option provides relief to struggling fuel stations

April 10, 2020

PORTLAND, Ore – April 9, 2020 – Locally-owned fuel stations applauded the flexibility that the Governor Brown and the State Fire Marshal provided them today by extending self-service fueling options through the end of April. Read More...

2021 Oregon - Summer Magazine

Summer 2021

After the Easter Holiday, many Oregon counties went backwards, and the Governor saw fit to crush small business owners once again with restrictions. It is a "have no mercy" heavy hand on the restaurant, gym, and other sectors but the banner producing companies are making a killing to create messaging for those brave enough to navigate this yoyo business world. Read More...

2021 Oregon - Spring Magazine

Spring 2021

We are off and running with changes at hand and more to come. The 2020 election set the stage for the 2021 Legislative Long Session. Oregon has both a “long” session and a “short” each biennium. In odd numbered years, the Legislature meets for approximately 6 months, while in even numbered years the Legislature meets for five weeks. Little changed in terms of leadership after Oregon’s election. Both the House and Senate Democrats retained their supermajorities with the House Republicans picking up one seat. In addition to new Legislators, Oregon voters passed all 4 measures we last brought to your attention (Measure: 107, 108, 109, 110) with the largest impact to members coming from the $2 dollars per pack increase tax on Tobacco (measure 108). Read More...

2020 Oregon - Winter Magazine

Winter 2020

In early August, the Oregon Legislature concluded a one-day, 2nd Special Session of 2020. The intended focus was on rebalancing Oregon’s perceived shortfall. Also included were policy bills ranging from policing reforms, bonding investments, unemployment benefit changes and distributing COVID federal relief dollars. To account for the deficit, the legislature passed bills borrowing $400M from the State’s Education Stability Fund. The Legislature directed state agencies to consolidate programs and leave positions unfilled to save toward the General Fund. The Legislature did not freeze or reduce government employee pay raises or cost of living adjustments. A 3rd Special Session is expected following the November election wherein wildfire relief and emergency moratoriums on rental evictions will also be discussed. The 2021 Legislative Session is anticipated to be held virtually. Legislative leadership has said they will not allow the general public into the Capital building until there are widespread COVID vaccinations. Mandates for businesses billed as “workplace protections” for employees are also anticipated. Read More...

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6312 SE Capitol Hwy
PMB 407
Portland, OR 97239

Calendar of Events

Jul 20 - 22, 2025

2025 Oregon (OFA) Conference
Sunriver Resort
Sunriver, OR