b'2023 WPMA State ReportMONTANAPetroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association ReportGreetings from the Big Sky State! Summer is always especially sweet on the heels of a legislative session. Sunshine and fresh air are a welcome remedy after the breakneck pace the biennial session is known for. The 2023 Montana Legislative session came to close with the official sine die on May 2nd. This session presentedOur annual convention and trade show was a huge unique challenges. Managing the budget surplussuccess again this year. We spent three days in proved more difficult than expected and the finalthe beautiful Fairmont Resort and Hot Springs in Brad Longcakeweeks were the most emotionally charged in recentJune. Day one included trap shooting, golf and a MPMCSA Executive Director memory. It is safe to say that everyone, legislatorssocial hour. The winner of the trap shooting was and citizens alike, were happy to wrap things up.Mike Burback, and MPMCSA fared well through the session. WeSal LoMagro took worked very closely with members, consultants,second. We had a and the DEQ to again address the Petroleum Tankbeautiful morning Release Compensation Board and Fund includingon the golf course. its funding and structure. We were able to suc- Golfers were sub-cessfully work with the bill sponsor to change thejected to a few new challenges along the way that language of the bill and protect the collective inter- resulted in some great photo ops. The winning golf est of the group. SB 334 passed both chambers andteam was Mike Piatchek, Scotty Koehler-Owens, has been signed by the Governor. It will ensureBrad Nelson, and there is a minimum fund balance of 1.5 millionJerry Dryer. Hole dollars and has a language requiring all stakehold- prizes for longest ers to meet sooner in the remediation process. Thisdrive and closest to is intended to ensure earlier participation and athe pin for men were more timely process.Art Schmidt and Clint Burk respec-In addition to SB 334, our association worked ontively. Amy Berry took the prize for longest drive over 200 bills over the course of the session. Somefor women. If you are planning to attend in 2024, of the highlights included working closely withI suggest you keep an eye out for a flashy out-the Lieutenant Governor regarding this adminis- fit. Mine was so popular, we will have a "best-trations Red Tape Relief initiative. There weredressed" prize next year. many bills related to tobacco, alcohol, and retailOur annual members meeting on Wednesday that we worked on and were able to protect theincluded a business and financial overview, legisla-interest of our members. We worked on HB 60,tive update, and 2024 conference planning. It was sponsored by Representative Loge, which createsdecided to return to Fairmont. We also had annual a fee for EV users to be used for infrastructure inelections for the state board. Scott Curry will serve place of gas tax money.another year as State President and Cole Mort as In May the MPMCSA again participated in theVice President. Dirk Cooper, Chris Rindal and EMA Day on the Hill. Kary Tonjum, currentGreg Tabish were each reelected for another two-WPMA President, Roger Schmechel, Montanayear term as board members. Newly elected board EMA Director, and I made the trip to meet with colleagues from across the country. We were able to spend time with Congressman Matt Rosendale and Congressman Ryan Zinke to discuss a number of key issues facing our members includ-ing the EPA gasoline bulk plant vapor recovery and the Credit Card Competition Act. We also met with the Chief of Staff for Senator Daines and the Environmental Policy Direc-tor for Senator Tester. WPMA News / Scholarship 202321'