b"Marketer Member News WPMA in History . May, June and July The energy shortage was still the hot topic of the month.50 Years Ago The hot topics of the monthNV: Las Vegas annual Elk Helldorado Celebration Carnival31,000 retail stations were no- was delayed because they could not get gas for rides.1973 [MAY Whitings Watchword by EJ Whiting (EJW) Intermountain Oil tified of gasoline rationing, pricesThe longer we live the more we realize that the Marketers Newswent up. The Major Oil Companiesperson who wants to help himself can only do so (IOMN)] IOMAtook quick offense at charges theyby helping others.President waswere hoarding product to drive Lowe Ashton (LA)up prices. An API survey showed some refineries operatingTidbits:An oil company executive of Ashton Oil & at about 82% capacity. U.S. District Judge Muecke orderedshouted at his secretary, Miss Jones,TransportationPhillips Petroleum to resume supplying gasoline to GiantWhere is my pencil? The frightened Miss Company in HeberService Stations in Phoenix. Phillips said they couldntJones said, Why Mr. Smith it's behind your MAY 1973 IOMN Cover Clipbecause Union Oil cancelled an exchange agreement withear. Mr. Smith shouted again, You know City, Utah. how busy I am in this period of product IOMA Executive Director JA Murphy (JAM)Phillips. Senator Frank Moss, Chairman of the Consumers Sub Committee, heard witnesses attack the oil industry.shortage, which ear?of Salt Lake City, Utah wanted oil marketers toIt was also reported that domestic production was downIOMA Membership Drive was in get out of their own little world. 11% between 1971 and 1972. full swing for the summer!UT: Bill Roderick, Inc. American Oil Co. Jobber in1973 (May 5) A horse named Midvale, Utah opened the Auto Accessory Center. The grand opening was held in May. Secretariat won the Kentucky Derby; on May 19th, he won the Preakness Stakes; on June 9th, he won the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first Triple Crown winner since 1948.1973 (JUNE IOMN) (JAM) Show me a man with both The Consumer will Speakfeet on the ground, and Ill Vote the Rascals Out! referring JUN 1973 IOMN Cover Clipshow you a man that cant get his pants on. to the Watergate Affair. Comedian Joe E. Lewis!etaave the DSFebruary 19-22, 2024TRADE SHOW HOURSMonday, February 19 (set up): 8 a.m.5 p.m. Tuesday, February 20 (set up):. 8 a.m. 12 p.m. Tuesday, February 20:. 26 p.m. Wednesday, February 21:.10 a.m.3:30 p.m.www.wpmaexpo.com Thursday, February 22:. 9 a.m.12 p.m.REGISTRATION HOURSMonday, February 19:.12 p.m.5 p.m.Tuesday, February 20: 7 a.m.6 p.m. Wednesday, February 21:. 7 a.m.3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 22: 8 a.m.12 p.m. WPMA News / Scholarship 2023 www.wpma.com / Scholarship 20234040"