b'the opportunity to learnWPMA Scholarship Foundation industry-standard food safety and kitchen procedures, prepare a huge variety of gourmet creations, and participate in prestigious events in the cu-linary, baking and pastry arts. His culinary arts teacher wrote: Daiden has partici-pated in a variety of events throughout his time as a culinary student at Waipahu High School, such as the Joy of Sake event .Musically talented, Daiden played the saxo-where he assisted chefs from around thephone in the Waipahu High School Concert island serve dishes to the public. DaidenBand all four years, where he earned a has also participated in culinary competi- promotion to Saxophone Section Leader tions, which were completely optional.and Equipment Manager. He also played his Being the high-achieving student that hesaxophone in the Jazz Band for two years, is, Daiden had the drive and determinationand in the Marching Band one year. He was to train rigorously before the competitiona three-year member of the National Japa-Daiden Oshiro where his efforts would ultimately earn himnese Language Honor Society, or NJLHS, the first-place spot for that years Annualwhere he held the offices of historian andHawaii Aloun Farms Culinary Competition and 3rdvice president, helping to promote Japanese place for the Localicious Culinary Recipeculture and language in the community.Hoping to open his own restaurant Competition. He even gave up his summerHe was alsosomeday has prompted Daiden Oshiro, thevacation between the 2022-2023 schoola member2023 WPMA Scholarship recipientyears to attend anof FCCLA. for Hawaii, to study and compete ininternship at the First the culinary field during high school.Hawaiian CentersAthletically, Daiden is the oldest of three children ofBankers Club. Daiden played Bert and Elizabeth Oshiro of Waipahu.on the Waipahu He applied for the WPMA ScholarshipDaiden is an examplevolleyball Junior through Par Hawaii, where his fatherof hard work andVarsity team for Bert works as an Outside Operator.leadership to his fellowone year, and students. His teacheron the Varsity Daiden graduated as Valedictorian forwrote: along withteam one year. Waipahu High School in May, rankedbeing an example,He wrote that in at the top of his graduating class of 580Daiden also shows offhis free time he students. He achieved his high marks whilegreat leadership abilities in the kitchen byenjoys playing participating in a schedule full of collegeensuring everything runs as efficiently asand practicing preparation and AP classes. But he enjoyedpossible by delegating tasks and makingvolleyball.his culinary classes the most. He wrote: sure everyone in his group is as involved I come from a culinary oriented family andas they can be whenever there are groupThis fall, Daiden developed a love for culinary arts from aprojects. An outspoken individual, Daidenwill be attending Leeward Community Col-young age. There were many home cookedisnt afraid to make sure that everythinglege in Pearl City, where he plans to earn meals, a small smoked meat business, thegoes right in the kitchen. his associate degree in culinary arts before culinary program at Waipahu High School,he transfers to the University of Hawaii at and even cooking competitions whereIn addition to his culinary accomplish- Manoa to earn a bachelors degree in busi-Ive placed in each one. This lovements, Daiden achieved a variety of honorsness, with the goal in mind to work in the eventually transferred towards onewhile in high school, including CTE,culinary industry and one day open his own day opening my own restaurant hereSTEM and Academic Honors; an Industrialrestaurant. In his free time, Daiden enjoys on the island of Oahu for itsCertification;playing his saxophone and going out with residents to enjoy.and the Sealhis girlfriend. of Biliteracy; This love of cooking ledand he With all his talents and abilities, Daiden is Daiden to register for Waipahugraduatedwell qualified to begin his college culinary High Schools AcademySumma Cumexperience. The Western Petroleum Market-of Professional and PublicLaude anders Scholarship Foundation looks forward Services, where he chosewas namedto watching his progress as he goes on to the Culinary Arts Pathway.Valedictorianthe community college this fall, for he is This pathway offered himfor his class.set to achieve any goal he sets for himself. Good luck, Daiden! SWPMA News / Scholarship 20239'