b"Marketer Member News WPMAin History .May, June and JulyHelp fight crime 100 Years Agodont elect anybody. 1923 (MAY 1) Adolf Hitler and Ernst Rohm Dont be afraid toattempted to break up Socialist May Day ask dumb questionsdemonstrations, inviting Nazis from asThey are easierfar away as Nuremberg to take part in the violence.to handle than(MAY 26) The US Attorney General made it legaldumb mistakes. for women to wear trousers anywhere.JUN 1973 IOMN Clips1973 (JUL 23) US of goods. Everything produced is produced by people, and(M AY 30)Indianapolis 500: 1921 champion Tommy everything that government gives to the people, it mustPresident Richard Nixon refused to release WatergateMilton became the first multiple race winner; Howdy first take from the people;tapes of conversations in the White House relevant toWilcox drove relief for laps 103-151 as Miltons hands 3. The only money thatthe Watergate investigation. were bandaged due to blisters.70 Years Agogovernment has to spend1923 (JUN 12) Harry Houdini freed is that money taxed orhimself from a straight jacket while borrowed out of the1953 [Intermountain Oil Jobberssuspended upside down,peoples earnings. WhenAssociation40 feet above ground in NYC.government decides to(IOJA)] The(JU N 14) The first country music hit spend more than it hasIOJA was originally organizedLittle Old Log Cabin in the Lane, thus received, that un- and became an official Associa- was recorded.earned money is createdtion for Oil Marketer/(JU N 27) First out of thin air, and whenJobbers of todays WesternAerial spent, reduces the valuePetroleum Marketers Associa- Refueling: of all money, savings, and insurance; 4. In our moderntion (WPMA). Capt. Lowell H. exchange economy, all payroll and employment come from1953 (MAY 18) At Rogers Dry Smith and Lt. customers, and the only worthwhile job security is cus- Lake, Californian JackieJohn P. Richter tomer security; if there are no customers, there can be noCochran became the firstperformed the payroll and no jobs; 5. Customer security can be achievedwoman to break the soundfirst ever aerial by the worker only when he cooperates with managementbarrier (in a F-86 Sabrejet atrefueling in doing the things that win and hold customers. Job secu- an average speed of 652.337 miles-per-hour). in a DH-4B rity, therefore, is a partnership that prospers only in a spirit(MAY 25) Nuclear testing: Atbiplane.of understanding and cooperation; 6. Because wagesthe Nevada Test Site, the US are the principal cost of everything, wide-spread wageconducted its only nuclear1923 (JUL 4) Jack Dempsey beatincreases without corresponding increase in production artillery test - Upshot- Tommy Gibbons on points over simply increase the cost ofKnothole Grable. 15 hard fought rounds in Shelby, everybodys living. The first public televisionMontana to retain the world A New York Timesstation in the US officially began broadcasting as KUHTheavyweight boxing title.Headline: Oil Industryfrom the campus of the University of Houston. (JUL8) Warren G. Loses the PR Battle. The1953 (JUN 2) The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II (April Harding became Federal Cost of Living1926 - Sept 2022) of the Unitedthe first sittingCouncil could mandateKingdom at Westminster Abbey.HerUS President to margin rollbacks. Senatorreign of 70 years and 214 days wasvisit Alaska.Bible warned the Federalthe longest of any British monarch Cost of Living Council thatand the longest verified reign of any its proposed regula- female head of state in history.tions totally failed the(JUN 30) The first Chevrolet Corvette was built at Flint, distributor and retailer. The wholesale prices fromMichigan. refiners had gone up moreJUL/AUG 1973 IOMN ClipsIt was than 25% in the last year. introduced late in Tidbits: Watergate makes you realize what a trickyChevroletthe 1953 business politics is. One week you are on the cover of 'Time'Corvette model(JUL13) The Hollywood Sign was officially dedicated in and the next week you are doing it. year, andthe hills above Hollywood, Los Angeles. It originally The reason the Republicans broke into Democraticproduced through 1962. It is commonly referred to as read Hollywoodland but the four last letters were Headquarters at the Watergate was to find out what wasthe solid-axle generation.dropped after renovation in 1949.going on at the Republican Headquarters. 1953 (JUL 23) Howard Hawks musical film, GentlemenMore money in the bank and less gallons in your tanks.Prefer Blondes starring Marilyn Monroe and Jane SYou will eventually be signing your own death warrant asRussell, was released by 20th Century Fox.a small businessman.42 www.wpma.com / Scholarship 2023"