b'2023 WPMA State Report OFA continuedwhen the Senate passed HB 2426 with broad bipartisan support.cally, we discussed how the renewable fuel markets are shifting Once signed into law by Governor Tina Kotek, the ban will beto nearby states and in effect leaving Oregon without the base lifted on Oregons outdated law which placed an unnecessaryproducts to continue our blending desires for a lower carbon burden on so many of Oregons small and family-owned gas energy source. stations and attendants. This trip represented a planting of seeds and a commitment by After the governor signs the bill into law, HB 2426 will sim- friendly competitors to once again join together for the good of plify the states previous patchwork of rules while maintainingour industry as a whole. Our group of next generation leaders some differences between rural counties (where self-service wasare standing up and making our voices heard for all. Join us and already allowed) and nonrural counties (where it was previouslystay involved as we work together to fight the radical agenda that prohibited) to ease the transition to consumer choice fueling. paints the leading energy suppliers of the industrial world with Recently we were notified that the Governor Kotek was nota poor image for what we do and have done for this country and sure whether she would sign the bill because she wasnt certainthe world over. Oil and Gas have a place as a green source for Oregonians really wanted it. OFA, along with the Grocers unionenergy needs today and in the years to come! sent out a Voters Voice request asking people to encourage2023 OFA Convention at Sunriverthe Governor to sign the bill. She has 30 days from the time it passed the Senate to sign.We are eagerly anticipating OFAs annual convention to bePolling has consistently shown a majority of Oregonians held once again at Sunriver Resort near Bend, OR. Althoughsupport having the option of self-service. A January 2021 pollwe had an unfortunate last minute schedule conflict by U. S.conducted by DHM Research found that nearly two-thirds (63%)Representative Lori Chavez- DeRemer, Oregon Senator Tim of Oregonians support giving drivers the choice of whether toKnopp has graciously agreed to step in last minute for the PAC pump their own gas. A survey conducted by The Nelson Reportwine/ spirits/ beer tasting reception, which is always a popular in October 2021 found even stronger support (68.8%) for aevent. OFA will also be hosting crime control specialist Scott modified proposal providing a choice between self-service andCastleman, who will walk through how to secure businesses attended service, which is what HB 2426 represents. We believefrom theft and other crime as well as from increasing homeless-that Governor Kotek knows this data and we are optimistic thatness-related issues increasing throughout Oregon. Lastly, we we will have a signed bill by the end of July. are excited to have Gene Nelson from TransForce Inc talk about the Troops Into Transportation program, which we expect will In other legislative news we had some very big wins, stoppingprovide great opportunities for OFA members in hiring Veteran a statewide renewable diesel mandate as well as stopping gasdrivers just exiting military service. station price signage requirements, although the latter is alreadyAs we pride ourselves on being a family-friendly organization, coming back to life just a week later so we expect an even we have also changed our schedule to allow for more family ac-larger fight next session. tivities, including a Family Pool Party on Monday afternoon. We are excited to celebrate our members and sponsors once again at EMA Director Update this wonderful event!OFA had the next generation of industry leaders join OFAsSee you all there,EMA Director, Gabriel Zirkle, this past May for a return to the Washington DC Day on the Hill trip. Matt Truax, Mark Fitz, Trent Tyree, Mathew Jubitz and Tracey Anderson hit CongressTracey A. AndersonGabriel Zirkle with a variety of topics to push for a better future in Oregon. AtExecutive Director, OFAEMA Directora federal level, we discussed the EPA Gasoline Bulk Plant Vaporand Immediate PastRecovery Proposed Rule, Credit Card Competition Act, andPresident, OFACalifornia Car Mandate and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that would have costly effects beyond any states border. Lo-www.wpma.com/oregonS28 www.wpma.com / Scholarship 2023'