b'2022 WPMA Idaho State ReportcontinuedIPM&CSAWeighs-In on Issues that Matter Most: Every year IPM&CSA weighs-inon behalf of Idaho marketers on a host of issues important to the future of the industry. Here is a list of comments we have submitted to state and federal agencies from the past few months, as well as our legislative and regulatory track record. Check out the website for the details at https://www.wpma.com/idaho.Portland Fossil Fuel Terminal Ordinance,Golden CartKing of the Course for the Day(Courtesy of Dylan Gamboa who purchased the Golden Cart at the Live Auction)June 30, 2022Dylan Gamboa, iRely; Kathy Laderman, O&A Marketing News;Idaho Department of Transportation National ElectricSteve Beck, Intralot; Steven Poole, Intralot Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program in Idaho,Special thanks to President Matt Berry for wearing out his swingJuly 23, 2022 for our long drive game on Hole #1, to all Cheater Card raffleFDA Rules on Tobacco Product StandardsMenthol participants, and to Brett Adams (Adams Petroleum) for coordinat- and Flavors, July 28, 2022ing the golf event. And thanks to all our hole, tee and goodie bag20022022 Track Record sponsors for their support. Upcoming Events:IPM&CSA Board Meeting: November 10, 2022Legislative Preview featuring reports from StateAgencies and Partners SEE YOU NEXT YEAR: August 2-4, 2023at the Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, IDHold the date for a family vacationin beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho. You will want to bring friends and family and stay awhile!SWPMA News / Fall 202223'