b'2024 Scholarship RecipientsVictoria PaulsonWASHINGTONI have alwaysthe Kennedy Catholic wanted to Swim Team and the pursue aWater Polo Team for career inall four years of high school. This year she healthcare,andwas elected to serve my experiencesas Team Captain for tutoring and beingboth sports. Her Career a swim coach haveCounselor wrote, As a only solidified thatnatural leader, she leads goal. My passionby example and many of for helping othersthe underclassmen look increased, butup to her for guidance those aspirationsboth in and out of the pool. During the swim season, Tori was do not come with- a member of the State Swim Team and received the North Puget out work, wroteSound Second Team All-League Award. She has also been a Victoria Paulson,member of club swim for the last 8 years, competing in several the 2024 scholarship recipient for the state of Washington. recognized competitions, including Champs and Regionals. Tori Victoria, or Tori, as she is known to family and friends, is thewrote, I work as an assistant swim coach, oldest of two children of Travis and Tanya Paulson of Burien. lifeguard, swim lesson instructor, and tutor. Tori applied for the WPMA scholarship through Christensen Inc,Most of my hobbies are where her father works as a Senior Director.spent in the pool or by With big goals in mind, Tori challengedthe pool! Ive loved water herself with a schedule full of AP andsince I was a baby. honors STEM classes. She graduated withTori volunteers her top marks and a 3.92 GPA. I have alwaystime as a retreat leader been math and science-minded because offor SEARCH through the systematic, orderly nature of the twoher school, a program subjects. I knew I wanted to pursue a careerthat helps foster a safe with a foundation in STEM. I have takenenvironment for peers honors/AP scienceto grow. She has been a classes my entiremember of the National Honor Society since 2021 and partici-high school career,pated in Lancers against Cancer for the past two years. Becky including honorsWilliams, whose son was tutored by Tori, wrote Tori gives freely biology sophomore year and UW chemis- of her time and quite obviously enjoys helping others to learn try my junior year. I am currently takingand grow. She always finds time in her own demanding academic anatomy and AP environmental science.schedule to spend time tutoring, teaching, or volunteering.Additionally, I have taken AP calculus andWhen not helpingam currently taking AP statistics. Beyondothers, Tori also enjoys the STEM field, I am a voracious readerreading, traveling, and have exceled in my honors and APhiking, and camping English classes, Tori explained. Her hardwith her family on their work and STEM-focused curriculum haveannual family trip to Mt. given her a great foundation as she beginsRainer. She her college career this fall atis hoping the University of Arizona. Torito have the has been accepted into the Pre- opportunity Professional Nursing Programto study and was awarded the abroad someday in Spain or Italy.Arizona Distinction Awardfor her competitive GPA andTori has prepared herself well for the years of rigorous course load. schooling ahead.WPMA wishes her great luck as Most of Toris time after schoolshe begins her course towards her nursing degree.has been spent in the pool. ToriJudging from her past performance, she should have has been a member of bothno trouble achieving her career goals. S14 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'