b'2024 State ReportMONTANAPetroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association ReportGreetings from the Big Sky State! Brad Longcake MPMCSA Executive DirectorIn May the MPMCSA participatedinteam, only 2 strokes back, was Kirk Brumeld, the EMA Day on the Hill. Roger Schmechel,Dan Sampson, Arnold Osmun, and DanMontana EMA Director and incoming Bakken. We had two $10,000 Hole prizes this President, and I made the trip to meet with year. Many golfers were close, but unfortunate-colleagues from across the country. We werely no one came away with the cash.able to spend time with Congressman RyanOur annual members meeting on Wednesday Zinke to discuss several key issues facing ourincluded a business and nancial overview of members, including the Underground Storagethe association, legislative predictions, and Tank (UST) System Compatibility Upgrades2024 ofcer and new board member elections. and RVP Summertime Fuel Opt-Out Act. Roger Schmechel will serve as State President, This bill would appropriate an additional Vice President will be selected at a later meet-$500 million to support small to medium-sizeding. Jim Kenneally, Jason Rorabaugh, and Kirk companies who need to make upgrades toBrumeld were each reelected for another two-ensure system compatibility. We continue toyear term as board members. Scott Curry will work on and discuss the Credit Card Competi- move to EMA Director. Newly elected board tion Act, as well as a few other topics. We alsomembers include Earl Allen and Jerry Breen. met with the Chief of Staff for Senator Daines.Cole Mort and Chris Rindal both stepped down Senator Tester did not have time to meet withfrom their positions on the board. We thank us again this year.them for their time and service. Our annual convention and trade show was aWe started the education sessions with Jeff huge success again this year. We spent threeSteeger, MCSAP Manager from the Montana days in the beautiful Fairmont Resort and HotDepartment of Transportation. Jeff reviewed Springs in June. Day one included trap shoot- why DOT investigations are initiated and what ing, golf, and a social hour. The winners ofis covered. He discussed several items that are the trap shooting were Mike Burback in rstoften reviewed and provided additional insight place and Alan Ankrum took second. Kaleighinto information that is often overlooked. He Brewer from Marketing Specialties Inc tookgave examples of what businesses need to be rst place for the ladies. Benjamin Agosto fromaware of and talked about the importance of CHS Mountain West Co-op took home the bestkeeping good records.shooter award as well as winning the Annie Oakley shootout, and was rewarded with lotteryJohn Monahan, chairman of the PTRCB board tickets from Montana Lottery Director, Bobprovided an overview of the issues and chal-Brown for his quick shooting. Our morning atlenges from the 2023 legislative session. He the Fairmont golf course was on the chilly sidehighlighted the progress that the board has but enjoyable nonetheless. The winning golfbeen making regarding this new legislation. team was Mike Piatchek, Scotty Owens, BradHe provided examples of the changes they are Nelson, and Jerry Dryer. The second-placeproposing and the work that has already been 38 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'