b'Member NewsThis Quarter in History . May, June and JulyIPM&CSA (ID): Executive Director (ED) Suzanne Budge,NPM&CSA (NV): ED Peter Krueger (PK), the 2014 Big Dogs Clips from 100 years of world(SB) the Annual Convention held in August 2014 focusedevent was held at the Red Rock Casino and Resort. Dinner and US history, including on Elections, Politics & Americas Energy Infrastructure.featured Rick and Kelly Dale from American Restoration,Hosted at the Coeur dAlene Resort, the event featuredfollowed by a day of exceptional golf at Bears Best. The snippets from WPMAs pastactivities like golfing, shooting, and spa sessions. event honored Keith Stewart for his 14 years of service as summer magazines. Additionally, the convention highlighted advocacy efforts,golf coordinator. NPM&CSA expressed gratitude to sponsors including meetings with Idahos Congressional Delegationand participants for making BDS 3(the third Big Dogs New 10 Years Ago to discuss industry-related issues such as EPA regulationsShootout) a success.Summer 2014s2014 [Summerand fuel policies. The 2014 legislative session reviewNMPMA (NM): ED Ruben Baca (RB), NM grappled with its A Member Resource MagazineHawaiiIdahoMontanaNevadaNew MexicoUtahWashingtonWestern Petroleumunderscored the importance of education funding, whileworst drought in 50 years, posing significant challenges Marketers Newsother significant topics like transportation funding andfor farmers as rivers and reservoirs dried up. Despite the ScholarShip Foundation2014 (WPMN)] On the coverMedicaid expansion were left unresolved.economic downturn, areas like Las Cruces and south-Recipients Idaho MontanaHawaii Scholarship Founda- MPMCSA (MT): ED Ronna Alexander (RA), the conven- eastern New Mexico were experiencing growth driven by tion Recipients weretion and trade show in Missoula focused on federal andtrade with Mexico and an oil and gas boom reminiscent of New Mexico Taylor Ishida (HI), Montana state revenue and spending. On the federalthe 1970s. Modern drilling techniquesrevitalized produc-NevadaDakota Davis (ID), level, concerns arose regarding the growth of spendingtion, with oil output reaching levels not seen since 1973.Brittany Barnes (MT),outpacing revenue, leading to increased debt serviceUPMRA (UT): ED John Hill (JH) highlighted the Summer AssociateRachel Barnes (NV),costs. The main sources of federal revenue were depicted Utah Washington -At-Large Golf at the Davis Park Course, and the upcomingKrystl DeBruyn (NM), in a pie chart, with borrowing almost equaling incomeConvention & Trade Show at the Park City Marriott,Sum14 1cvr-16.indd 1 Sum 2014 WPMN Cover Clip6/2/14 9:44 AM Caitlyn Stainbrook (UT),tax revenue in 2012. Federalfeaturing guest speaker Bill Child, former CEOKaylee Draine (WA),spending was dominated byof RC Willey. Additionally, the keynote would be and Rachel Katzberg (Associate-at-Large). areas such as Social Security,speaker Sean Reyes, Utahs Attorney General, and WPMA President Robert Fung recalledMedicare, and debt interest,updates on industry developments.the Trivial Pursuit / Google Effectsqueezing discretionaryWIDE (WA): ED Lea McCullough (LM), Thephenomenon, where people rely on thespending. Montanas revenueConvention at Suncadia Lodge in Cle Elum internet for information instead of recallingprimarily came from indi- included an expanded trade show floor, Ladies it from memory. Fung also highlighted thevidual income tax, corporateWine and Dine event, and live entertain-WPMA Scholarship Foundations recogni- income tax, property taxes, andment by the band Soul Siren. Golfers tion of outstanding students and urged support for thenatural resource taxes, withenjoyed the tournament at the Prospector foundation. Fung reflected on his term as president .significant additional fundsGolf Course, and the popular Horse Race." noting accomplishments like advocating for renewablefrom the federal govern- The Welcome Dinner at Swiftwater Cellars fuels and making operational changes. Robert thankedment for specific purposes.featured an Italian Feast. In legisla-supporters, family, and colleagues for their invaluableSpending was concen- tive matters, WOMA/WIDE secured a contributions to the association. trated in K-12 education,$50k appropriation for a JLARC study CEO Gene Inglesby (GI) highlighted challenges facinguniversity funding, healthto examine variances in policies and the petroleum industry in navigating legislative issues,and human services, andfees among clean air agencies across concerns such as Health Carecorrections. Analysis ofthe state. The study aimed to address Reform, funding for Leaking Montanas income taxinconsistencies and inform on better Underground Storage Tanksdistribution revealed aassessment practices. (LUST), and Oil Futures Reform. progressive system, withWMI: David Leo (DL) reviewed The WPMA Hall of Fame recipientthe top 20% of taxpayersthe Affordable Care Act (ACA), for 2014 was Dennis Baird of Bairdcontributing 71% ofalso known as Obamacare, its Oil Company in Nampa, ID. income taxes, while theevolving nature and numerous bottom half contributed only 5%. This dispar- modifications since its passage in HEMA (HI): President Edsel Eshima summa- ity reflected a significant number of low-wage rized key bills being tracked during Hawaiisearners in the state, contributing to Montanas2010, and changes implemented 2014 State Legislative Session that wouldlower national income ranking. by both the Obama impact the HI petroleum industry. Bills aimedAdministration and Congress, to increase the minimum wage, address up- as well as those mandated by dating fuel specification rules, fuels productionthe US Supreme tax credits, oil spill response readiness reports,Court. He concluded energy system development and renewablewith a reflection fuel mandates. Discussions between Hawaiianon the challenges Electric Co. and the US Navy regarding theand factors that may construction of Hawaiis first liquefied naturalinfluence the fate of gas import terminal at Pearl Harbor wasthe ACA, likening it mentioned. Lastly, the (HEMA) golf fundraiserto a puzzle with an event at Oahu Country Club was announced. Sum 2014WPMN Clipsuncertain outcome.24 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'