b'2024 State ReportNEVADAPetroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association ReportSilver State SummaryGone But Not ForgottenStatewide PrimaryWhether you knew Mark LytleGovernor Lombardos endorsed personally, professionally or both, he wascandidatesall won their contests in our a friend and mentor to many of us. Marksrecent primary elections. For the most part loss not only leaves a big hole in Nevadashis candidates are young, bright and busi-Craig Allisonbusiness fabric but also that of WPMA,ness friendly. We are supportive of the Gover-NPM&CSAPresident EMA and the fuels industry as well. We missnors efforts to elect biz friendly candidates.Paul you, friend, and look forward to seeing you on theAnderson, Pilot Thomas, advances to the November other side. General Election in Ward 3 Sparks City Council. New Officers and DirectorsPaul is running for his third term on the council. We are happy to welcomeour new president,2024 Big Dogs a Success! Kyle Call, and Vice President, Mackenzie Campbell,On Thursday, April 25th, members rolled the bowl-as well as our new board of directors members: Ruying ball at the Red Rock Lanes with eats while Bautista, River City Petroleum, Michael DeMark,networking with friends and colleagues. On Friday, Jackson Energy and Donna Golsham, Altria. (seeApril 26th they tried their luck at golf on the Siena their photos in the upcoming WPMAGolf Club.News Fall issue.) Thank you to oursponsorsScholarship WinnerAfter a four-year drought Nevada scored a scholarship winner, Haylie Kovalesky. I was on hand at Pleasant Grove High School to acknowledge Haylies accomplishments and success as our 2024 scholarship winner. I am especially pleased because Haylies mother works at Hunt & Sons.OSHA Heat RegsSarah Collins has been workingwith a statewide business group and Nevada OSHA to cre-ate a balanced heat regulation standard that protects both the workers and our member businesses. While not nal, our members will be required to have a heat plan and training to protect workers from ex-cessive heat at work. Federal OSHA is also working to adopt regulations that could supersede our regulations if they are more restrictive.2025 Legislative SessionPeter and his teamare fully engaged in working on bill draft requests for the upcoming legislative session which begins in February. Areas of inter-est for the association are Clark County fuel tax indexing requirements, elimination of the lube oil fee, updating the states fuel price signage law and electronic age verication for alcohol.40 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'