b'2024 State ReportHEMAcontinueFinally, a bill was passed that will enable commercial buildingsMAUI WILDFIREconversion to residential units, which will provide more housingThe Army Corps of Engineershas cleared nearly 1,300 options for Hawaiis citizens.Minimum Wage residential lots of the approximately 1,400 that were destroyed, while only approximately 30 percent of the 159 commercial Hawaiis minimum wage increases by 2028 to $18/hour, whichproperties destroyed have been cleared. In addition, the County is has led to concern that this would lead employees and theirworking to restore its services infrastructure, with approximately families to a higher income tax bracket that would result in their65 percent of the sewer system in the burn zone having been re-state taxes. As such, the Legislature passed a bill that will increasestoredand all sewer services should be restored by December `24.the standard deductions over the next seven years, effectivelyFurthermore, the County anticipates that, despite being contami-increasing to $24,000 for those ling a joint return by 2031.nated, all water service lines within the burn zone will be restored Furthermore, the bill also amends the income tax brackets, whichby August 2024.effectively reduces taxes for each existing bracket, while provid-ing for additional income tax brackets. Maui Countys Ofce of Recovery, which was created after the Tourism wildres, is working to help property owners expedite disaster The Legislature approved a budget of $63MM for the Hawaiirecovery building permits. As of June 2024, twenty-three build-Tourism Authority (HTA) and $34MM for the Hawaii Conventioning permits had been granted within the burn zone, while another Center. In contrast and during the prior legislative session in 23,seventy building permit applications were in review.funding was not provided for the HTA that required the Gover- Furthermore, Maui County is holding workshops to gather input nor Green to use a discretionary fund to provide approximatelyfrom the community regarding its master plan for both the historic $60MM for the HTA. and business districts rebuilding. This Master Plan is expected to For the second year in a row, Governor Green attempted to createbe ready for review by the end of 24.a visitor impact fee, but this legislation failed to pass. This impactFinally, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and fee would have imposed an additional $25 tax on transient accom- Explosives has completed its origin and cause report on the modations, which would have been deposited into the climatewildres, but the public will not be able to read the report until health and environment action special fund. the Maui County Fire Department HAWAII ELECTIONS authorizes its release. The Fed-eral ATF Ofcials met with Maui Legislators are now focused on the Primary Elec- County Ofcials during June 2024 tions.Hawaiis candidate ling deadline was June 4, 2024, andto provide their brieng of the the Primary Election Day is August 10, 2024. With the Generalreports ndings.Election on November 5, 2024, Hawaii voters will receive theirPlease note that HEMA approved mail-in ballots by October 18, 2024 or may vote in-person. Maui County during its summer board meeting Four state legislators have announced that they will not bean additional $2,000 contribution seeking reelection. Meanwhile, U. S. Senator Mazie Hironoto the Maui Strong Fund, which and U.S. Representatives Ed Case and Jill Tokuda are all up forwill supplement WPMAs and its reelection. Furthermore, City and County of Honolulu MayorMember States prior $10,000 Rick Blangiardi and Hawaii County Mayor Mitch Roth are bothdonation to the Maui United Way.up for reelection this year. SRainbow Falls, Hilo, HI34 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'