b'2024 State ReportIDAHOPetroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association ReportMatt Berry takes the WPMA Gavel Idaho has always been well repre- Idaho Leaderssented at WPMAand this year is no exception. Matt Berry, Berry Oil, follows inin WPMA the footsteps of his father Ron Berry, to con- Recent Past Presidents andtinue the family legacy of leadership withinHall of Fame Recipientsour industry. The WPMA gavel was passed to Matt by Jeremy Bautista (Nevada) at theMATT BERRY 2024-25 PresidentSuzanne BudgeJune WPMA board meeting in Salt Lake City.DENNIS CAMPO 2023 Hall of FameIPM&CSAExecutive Director Berry Oil, a home-grown, multi-generational, family owned and operated company, hasBRETT ADAMS 2022 Hall of Famesurvived and thrived in this competitive environment. WPMA is fortunate indeed toDENNIS CAMPO 2019-20 Presidentwelcome Matt to the top job on the WPMARON BERRY 2017-18 Presidentboard. Matt is well-qualied for the position, having served a double term as Idahos presi- DENNIS BAIRD 2014 Hall of Famedent from 2019-2023 and helped the associa-tion weather the global pandemic and all theBRETT ADAMS 2012-13 Presidentchallenges that came with it. FRANK SATTLER 2010 Hall of FameROB FRANKLIN 2010-11 PresidentJIM LYNCH 2009 Hall of FameDENNIS BAIRD 2004-05 PresidentJIM LYNCH 1999-2000 PresidentKENT JOHNSON 1988-89 PresidentKENLON JOHNSON 1979 PresidentJeremy Bautista (NV) passes the Gavelto Matt Berry (ID)IPM&CSA Ridgecrest PAC Golf Tournamenta Big Success, Bolstering IPM&CSA Reservesfor the 2024 Election CycleIdaho is Changing & Elections Matterwe can never let our guard down, and as Idaho continues to grow, we should remain vigilant in defense of our members. IPM&CSA More than Ever will continue to advocate for our industry. It will always be Elections matter, as we have seen in the most recent election cy- important for us to inform and support our local and statewide cle in Idaho. As an industry, we have faced some tough politicalelected ofcials. issues and been forced to expend signicant resources to defendThanks to you, we are working to rell our coffers so we can our interests. We are grateful and fortunate to have done so suc- support candidates who understand and support our business. cessfully and to have prevailed in recent legislative sessions. But WPMA News / Summer 202435'