b'HEMA For Hawaii AssociationElite Association Informationinformation please contactEight WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT WPMA, PO Box 571500Murray, UT 84157-1500 Phone: (801) 263-WPMA (9762)Fax: (801) 262-9413E-mail: jamiew@wpma.comwww.wpma.com/hawaiiDISTRIBUTORS OF ENERGYLEA MCCULLOUGHWIDE Executive DirectorWPMA, PO Box 571500Idaho Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association Murray, UT 84157-1500SUZANNE BUDGEPhone: (206) 718-7662 E-mail: lea@waoil.orgIPM&CSA Executive Director There is Strengthwww.wpma.com/washingtonPO Box 984Boise, ID 83701-0984 Phone: (208) 345-6632 in AssociationE-mail: sbs@sbsidaho.comwww.wpma.com/idahoUtah Petroleum Marketers & Retailers AssociationMontana Petroleum Marketers &JOHN HILLConvenience Store Association UPMRA Executive Director153 South 900 East, #3BRAD LONGCAKE Salt Lake City, UT 84102MPMCSA Executive Director Phone: (801) 521-8340PO Box 306, Helena, MT 59624 Your Independent State Petroleum andFax: (801) 521-8360Phone: (406) 438-1276 Convenience Store Associations areE-mail: johnhill@upmra.comE-mail: bradlongcake@ www.wpma.com/utahlongcakeconsulting.com working for you, with the Western www.wpma.com/montana Petroleum Marketers Association (WPMA) on regional and national issues. Nevada Petroleum Marketers & Convenience StoreTRACEY ANDERSONAssociation OFA Executive DirectorPETER KRUEGER WPMA, PO Box 571500, NPM&CSA Executive Director NEW MEXICO PETROLEUM MARKETERS ASSOCIATION Murray, UT 84157-15001575 Delucchi Lane, Suite 201LELAND GOULDPhone: (503) 779-3312Reno, Nevada 89502 NMPMA Executive Director E-mail: tracey@oregonfuels.orgPhone: (775) 622-96655002 San Timoteo Ave NW oregonfuelsassociation@gmail.comFax: (775) 420-5999 Albuquerque, NM 87114 www.oregonfuels.orgE-mail: peter@fuelingnevada.com Phone: (505) 249-1306 www.wpma.com/oregonwww.wpma.com/nevada E-mail: leland@nmpetroleummarketers.comwww.wpma.com/new mexicoBeing part of this association is the best road to Excellence!There is strength in numbers.The state associations work with WPMA to protect your businessprovided by state and regional membership. Contact your interest, and the safety and security of consumers served by thestate association and/or WPMA and help grow your network of independent petroleum and convenience store ownersbusiness. Stay informed about industry news and critical and distributors. We encourage you to take advantage of the bene\x1f tsregulations that impact your operations 24/7. 6 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024WPMA24 Member Pages 040424.indd 4 4/23/24 11:13 AM'