b'2024 Scholarship RecipientsJoAnn LaningMEMBER-at-LARGEPuyallup, WA isNot a stranger to adversity in her life, the homeof theJoAnns participation in track and field 2024 recipient of theevents was put on hold when a freak WPMA Member-at- accident on a family vacation left her Large Scholarship,with a hand injury, making her unable to JoAnn Laning. Thecompete in the Shotput, Discus, or Pole oldest of three Vault events she loved. However, she wrote: I was determined children of Charlesto not let my injury define me. I had already started to prepare for and Jamie the upcoming swim and dive season. Springboard diving was my Laning, JoAnn favorite sport, and I wasnt going to risk being held back by my applied for the damaged hand. I had begun doing all the training I was allowed scholarship throughand was on the springboard the second I got the green light from Wilcox & Flegel,my doctor. After spending just about every where her fatherwaking hour in the water, my persistence works as a Salespaid off and I was one of four divers that Representative.had qualified for State, as well as being the first Puyallup High School diver to go JoAnn recently graduated from Puyallup High School, where sheto State since 1998. Even though my in-took a full schedule of Honors and AP classes, graduating withjury ended my vaulting career, I was able a 3.75 GPA. She excelled in all her classes, but found a passionto persevere and overcome my trauma to for telling important stories when she was introduced intoexcel in springboard the world of journalism through her Yearbook class, whichdiving.JoAnns eventually lead her to Video Production. After three years inhard work and this class, JoAnn worked her way up to Executive Producerdedication shined as and Multimedia Editor of Video Production, where she wasshe finished her high responsible for writing, filming, and editing her schools newsschool career with show Viking News Network. The Director of Student Media,seven Varsity letters, Sandra Coyer wrote, Over the course of the last three years,four in Springboard JoAnn has been a force of nature in our program, leaving aDiving as captain of strong legacy that will help establish the future after she grad- the Dive Team, one in Water Polo, one in uates. She spends much of each class period working with theTrack, and one in Video Production. Video 2 students, helping them flush out their ideas or teachingIn her free time, JoAnn is most likely to be found working on her them how tonumerous stained-glass projects. Stained-use variousglass is a huge passion of mine. When I pieces ofwas little, I was enamored by the beautiful equipment.colors shining from my dads stained-glass During thehanging in our window. After expressing second interest in learning, my dad finally taught semester ofme how to score, cut, and solder the glass. this year,This process is a great challenge for me, she has beenpiecing the glass together like a puzzle.working with students whoJoAnn has been accepted to Pierce College in Puyallup, where she feelsshe will spend the next two years studying Communications. will rise toShe then plans to finish her college career at Washington State leadershipUniversity majoring positions nextin Broadcast Journal-year. This isism. JoAnns courage one of theand perseverance will many thingsserve her well as she I have comecontinues on to college to appreciatethis fall.We wish about JoAnn:her the best of luck her ability towith her studies and look at theher goal to become a big picture. Documentarian! S16 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'