b'Member News50 Years Agocontinued1974 (JUNE1974 (Jun 15) "All the President\'sIOMN) (RF)Men" by Carl Bernstein and Bob Short SupplyWoodward, detailing their Watergate and Hardinvestigation, Demand inviteswas increased publishedJUN 1974 government inby Simon IOMN Cover our businessandRemem- Schusterber, when youin the US.participate in Your IOMA functions you will beJUL 1974 IOMN Clipsexemplifying a creed of TheodoreRoosevelt: Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere.(ED) Jim A Murphy (JAM) Think a Little, are you taking part in the political process, if not - Dont complain to your fellow marketer. Complain to your wife.The women do 62% of the voting and those same women buy 55% of the family gasoline. Maybe if you complain enough to your wife she will vote your way this time .ID: Senator Frank Church (D-ID) requested a investigation into a proposal by Mobil Oil Co to acquire 51 percent control of Marcor Corp.MT: July Convention speakersJUN 1974 IOMN Clips were 1962-1969 MT Governor Tim Babcock, now the Senior Executive Vice President of Occidental International Corporation, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation; 1972- current (1974) MT Governor JUL 1974 IOMN CoverThomas L Judge; Marvin Beck, Texaco Agent and a Panel Dis-cussion on the Environmental Protection Agency. PEI: Recommended converting leaded storage at a service station to unleaded storage. In metropolitan stations where unleaded moved fairly well, subsequent tests showed no significant contamination from1974 (JULY IOMN) (RF) HeadlineThe three big Is lead residue in tank and pipes. Inof Today: Impeachment, Interest and Inflation.rural stations, where the product didnt move, tests made three(JAM) Samson slew 10,000 Philistines with the months later showed that thejawbone of an ass. Many politicians have lost an election lead content of unleaded hadwith the same tool.climbed to 0.06 grams per gal.28 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'