b'Member News 2014 (May 25) Indianapolis 500:15 Years Ago to help keep and make WPMA Relevant . The executiveAmerican driver Ryan Hunter- 2009 (Summer WPMN) On theteam and the staff are always looking to the future and Reay held off runner-up Hliocover Scholarship Foundation Re- what Changes might be needed to keep the organization Castroneves of Brazil by a margincipients were Kristian Liwanag (HI),refreshed, new, interesting and valuable to all its members. of 0.0600 seconds, the second- Jacob Gentry (ID), Grahm DeMarsWe are always discussing changes that will benefit you, closest finish in race history. (MT), Megan Johnson (NV), Julieour most important asset.(May 29) President Obama Franken (NM), Michelle Gessel (UT),(GI) The PMAA/EMA Washington Conference and Day onapproved US militaryRaechel Chadler (WA), and Margaretthe Hill focused on 14 Federal Legislative issues. When training of \'moderate\' SyrianKnorr (Associate-at-Large). we met with our Congressmen we obviously could not cover rebels to fight the regime ofChange came toall 14, so each state chose the three or four they felt were Bashar al-Assad and al QaedaSummer 2009 WPMN Cover mind for departing most important to their members back home. Due to the -linked group. WPMA Presidentcompetitive nature of retail petroleum pricing, mandat-2014 (Jun 3) President Obama announced his plan for a $1Dallas Herron from CityServiceValconing costly automated temperature compensation (ATC)billion fund to increase deployment of USin Kalispell, MT. The U. S. Congresspumps at every retail station was opposed as detrimental troops to Europe.Office of Technology notes that Changeto gasoline retailers and their consumers.(Jun 18) King Juan Carlos I of Spainis happening faster than we can keep tabs on andThe WPMA Hall of Fame recipientabdicated the Spanish throne to threatens to shake the foundations of the mostfor 2009 was Jim Lynch of Lynch Oil make way for his son Felipe VI. secure American business . Let us not be likeCompany in Burley, ID.2014 (Jul 21) "Guardians of the Galaxy," directed by the Aesops Fable of the Rooster and Jewel . OneHI: President Robert Fung, the HawaiiJames Gunn, starring Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana,summers day, a rooster scoured the barnyardstate legislature approved 196 bills out premiered in Hollywood. looking for food. As he scratched at the straw onof a total of 3,523 measures originally (Jul 27) Obama reaffirmed Israel\'s "rightthe ground, he uncovered a jewel. The rooster suspectedintroduced . The legislature also opted not to repeal the jewel might be valuable because of the way it glittered to defend itself," but condemnedthe sunset date for the general excise tax exemption on civilian casualties in Gaza. in the sun. This object is probably worth a lot, the roosterethanol-blended fuels. This means that the reinstatement (Jul 28) Linda Ronstadt receivedthought to himself, but Id trade a bushel of these shinyof the general excise tax on ethanol-blended fuel and the things for a single kernel of corn. The moral is that valueincrease in the environmental response tax will have the the National Medal of Arts fromis in the eye of the beholder; dont be too quick to throweffect of increasing Hawaii state gasoline taxes by ap-President Barack Obama in a Whiteaway a good idea just because it is a change in how you doproximately 13 cents per gallon on July 1st, 2009, making House ceremony. business . As I said before, one of my objectives has beenHawaiis fuel taxes among the highest in the nation.January 1921, 2025Charleston, SC11th BI-ANNUAL at THE MILLS HOUSE, Curio Collection by Hilton CONFERENCEAs someone brand new to the industry, this was a great tool for information and resources. It helped me feel less intimidated in an unfamiliar space and has energized me to keep pushing forward for the future This conference is our placeof women in carwash.Mara Sanders Sonnys Directto thrive together, positioning ourselves to succeed and lead confidently. Its a designated space for professional women in the car wash industry, becoming a movement to educate,REGISTER inspire, and support eachTODAY!other in various roles. 1-204-489-4215204.489.4215bjj@womenincarwash.comwww.womenincarwash.comWPMA News / Summer 202425'