b'2024 Hall of Fame: Peter KruegerMEMBERNews USAF Reserves after leaving the Air Force, and earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.When he left the service, Peter returned to Reno, Nevada, where he managed Sky Ranch Airports for several years before establish-ing a lobbying firm in Reno. He also served 11 years as the founder and President of Association Management Services of Reno, providing business management to trade and professional organiza-tions. He has earned recognition as a distinguished alumnus from Utah State University and a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow, and is active in leadership positions in national and state professional associations including Chairman of the Energy Marketers of America Executive Conference. Peter currently is the President We are greatly pleased to honor our 2024of i3 Public Affairs in Reno and Hall of Fame Recipient, PETER KRUEGER.has more than 42 years of combined government Peter was born in Sacramento, CA. His familyrelations experience advocating for his clients at moved to Lake Tahoe, Nevada when he was fivethe federal, state and local government levels. He years old, and he still owns his childhood home. takes pride in working for his clients and repre-senting the great state of Nevada. Since July 1988 After graduating from high school, Peter attendedhe has served as the State Executive for the Ne-Utah State University in Logan, Utah, graduat- vada Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store ing with a Bachelor of Arts degree in EconomicsAssociation, and no one has a greater knowledge and Political Science. Following his graduation,of Nevada Petroleum than him!he joined the US Airforce, where he learned toAn avid sailor since his college days, Peter spent jump out of perfectly good airplanes. He earnedmuch of his free time over the years racing his the rank of Captain, and held various command41-foot yacht, the Double Trouble at regattas and leadership positions, including serving as anaround the US and beyond. He was a member of Instructor at the US Air Force Academy. While inthe St. Francis Yacht Club, a private sailing club in the Air Force he worked on a masters degree inSan Francisco. Nowadays, Peter enjoys spending business from Webster University. He said: I wastime in beautiful Lake Tahoe, drinking Woodford able to study while on duty at a missile launch site,Reserve, traveling, and spending time with his two so you might say I got my masters degree whilechildren and his grandchildren, friends and family.babysitting ICBMs. He continued to serve in the Nevada Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association Executive Director since 1988S20www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'