b'2024 State ReportOREGON Fuels Association ReportHello from Oregon, the most beautiful place in the summer! We are fully enjoying the longer days and the sunny weather. It makes all of the rain in the winter worth it! Legislative UpdateTransportation Package Staub (Ed Staub & Sons). For a full list of RAC The Legislature is focused on a transportationparticipants, RAC meeting plans, and rulemaking infrastructure and funding package for the 2025documents, you can visit DEQs webpageLegislative Session. The Oregon Department ofhttps://www.oregon.gov/deq/. Transportation (ODOT) estimates a total fundingOFA has advocated that a CPP should keep con-Tracey Andersongap of $1.8 billion annually in agency operationssumers in mind, recognizing existing and grow-OFA Executive Director and system safety investments and a funding gaping pressures on family budgets from inflation. of nearly $2.4 billion in infrastructure improve- DEQ has an opportunity to re-establish a program ments included in the 2017 transportation package.that can meet Oregons Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Those are huge funding needs that will put a lot ofreduction goals without immediately shocking pressure on the 2025 legislature to resolve. transportation fuel consumers with increased costs The Legislative Joint Committee on Transportationby recognizing and compensating transporta-began a 12-stop Transportation Safety and Sustain- tion fuel companies that helped the state beat the ability Outreach Tour to hear from OregoniansGHG reduction goals from the previously adopted about what should be included in a 2025 Transpor- program. tation Package.November Ballot Measure on Climate Protection Corporate Minimum TaxProgram 2.0 Organizers of Initiative Petition 17 (Oregon Oregon DEQ is in another round of rulemaking toRebate) are close to qualifying for the Novem-re-establish the Climate Protection Program (CPP) ber 2024 ballot. The IP 17 seeks to increase the that was struck down late last year by the Oregoncorporate minimum tax for lers with sales in Court of Appeals for failing to follow Oregonsexcess of $25,000,000 to 3% (on sales above administrative procedures requirements. Since$25m). All funds raised by the measure are to be then, the Agency will likely have a new rule inredistributed to Oregonians in equal payments. place by January 2025. Some of the big issues upProponents of the tax estimate a rebate of about for discussion include the emissions cap trajectory,$750 per person each year which, based on current the allocation of compliance instruments, and thepopulation, means they expect it to raise more than cost of alternative compliance instruments.$3 billion annually. Oregon Business and Industry Danelle Romain is coordinating the business community on a & Mike FreeseThe Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) includespotential opposition campaign.three OFA representativesMike Freese (OFA lobbyist), Chris Huiard (Space Age Fuel), and Nick Oregon Fuels Association Annual ConventionAs of this writing,we are nishing up preparations for ourhungry golfers before they get on the road and head home. annual event at Sunriver Resort in Sunriver, OR. We preparedWe cant wait to report back on what promises to be a tremen-for a record number of attendees and still you all shocked us bydous turnout once again in Central Oregon!registering early and selling out our room block even faster than last year! It promises to be an incredible event with wonderfulSee you all soon! speakers, including one of the U.S. Armys top cyber-securityTracey, Danelle & Mike Sexperts talking about the most current concerns in cyber-security. We have brought back our Family Pool Party for the second year in a row. And we have heard the requests of our members by adding a lunch following the golf tournament to feed our 44 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'