b'Summer 2024 Emily PerryWPMA Accounts Payableand Scholarship CoordinatorSCHOLARSHIPCelebrating theRecipients 2024 WPMAScholarship WinnersIt is with great pleasurethat weannounce the winners of the 2024 WPMA Scholarship. We extend our heartfeltcongratulations to all the scholarship recipients. Their hard work, dedication, and academic achievements have set them apart, and we are proud to support their educational dreams. As the new Scholarship Coordinator for the WPMA Scholarship Foundation, it has been an honor to work with such bright and deserving students. Hearing about theiracademic journeys and being part of the awarding of their scholarships has been a truly rewarding experience.We saw lower numbers of fully completed applications again this year. We encourageall WPMA members to spread the word about this wonderful opportunity to their employees. The WPMA Scholarship is a significant benefit that can make a substantial difference in the lives of our students. To help encourage increased completedapplications, we have extended the deadline for online scholarship applications to March 20th. We hope this extension will allow more seniors to complete their applications and take advantage of this valuable opportunity.Now, we hope you enjoy a small look into the lives and accomplishments of the nine scholarship recipients for 2024!8www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'