b'Member NewsID: (SB) The Legislature adjourned . the second-longest25 Years Ago passed that put school vouchers in place for session and one day short of the record, which was 1181999 (Summer WPMN)2000. On April 9, the Governor made good days in 2003. On the cover Scholarshipon his promises and vetoed the State General MT: (RA) Ive decided that the term-limited legislatorsFoundation RecipientsAppropriations Budget, the Education Budget, just cant stand the thought of seeing it all end, so theywere Jillian Spauldingand the Capital Outlay Budget. throw any monkey wrench they can into the final process of(ID), Jamie LeischnerNV: (PK) NPM&CSA had a successful legislative approving budget and tax bills.(MT), Wendy Houghtonsession. The gasoline rack bill was delayed until NV: (PK) legislative session is over and you know what(NV), Kristin LaurentSummer 1999 WPMN CoverJanuary 2002. Local governments could not pass new taxes business must pay to fund state government .(NM), Samantha Byrnestheir own ordinances affecting tobacco. C-stores In the end, the Legislature was able to balance the budget(UT), Cassie Garner (WA), and Davidwere excluded from legislation affecting smoking, by raising taxes to the tune of more than $800 million.Michaelis (Associate-at-Large). ATMs, and alcohol requirements. Each new or increased tax will affect how you do businessWPMA President Craig Eerkes thankedUT: (JH) implementation of Stage II Vapor Recovery Sys-in Nevada. The increase of the payroll tax (aka modifiedthe WPMA membership for the opportu- tems along the Wasatch Front would be delayed until at business tax) and new diesel taxes, especially in Washoenity to lead the Association for the pastleast May 2002. The UPMRA suggested to the Senate the County, will not make it any easier to prosper in Nevada. year. He shared the story of a sea captainconcept of privatizing the UST Fund and taking control of NM: (RB) The state went into the 2009 60-Day Legislativeand his chief engineer who were arguingfund dollars from the DEQ, who would act as the regula-Session with a $400 million deficit. Just a year ago theover who was the most important to thetor that decided when a site was clean. state was in an economic boom with a surplus of over $300ship. To prove the point to each other, they decided toWA: (ED) Charlie Brown - The WA State House, for the million. One might ask what happened to the surplus. Theswap places. The chief engineer ascended to the bridge,second time, was evenly divided with 49 Republicans truth is, like all politicians, the Administration and theand the captain went to the engine room. Several hoursand 49 Democrats, with each committee having 2 chairs Legislature spent it all. So why did we have a surplus andlater, the captain suddenly appeared on the deck coveredand leadership having equal power all the way up are now in a deficit? One reason and one reason only - THEwith oil and grease. Chief, he yelled, You have to getthe line to co-speakers. The even split also occurred in PRICE OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS. it is time to tighten updown here, I cant make her go. Of course you cant,1979-80.the budget belt. replied the chief, Shes aground.WMI: Compliance Specialist Betsy Jerome covered COBRA UT: (JH) Motor Fuel Theft Penalties were passed and(ED) Gerry Tedrow (GT) expounded on thefor companies with group health plans.became law on May 12, 2009. This new law creates a sepa- need to find and keep good employees.1999 (May 1) Animated series "SpongeBob SquarePants," He reported that in the past 20 years, 66% rate theft offense for stealing gasoline, and if convicted,created by Stephen Hillenburg, debuted on Nickelodeon.may include a suspension of the persons driver licenseof all new jobs had been filled by women.(Ma y 19) "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace," for 60 days for a first offense, six months for a secondEnglish was the second language for 55%directed by George Lucas, starring Ewan McGregor, offense and one year for a third or subsequent offense .of the workforce in the Southwest USA.Natalie Portman and Liam Neeson, was released.On May 14, 2009, Utahs Solid and Hazardous Waste BoardThe Asian and Hispanic populations were growing five1999 (Jun 20) US Open Men\'s Golf, Pinehurst CC:adopted new rules for Underground Storage Tank trainingtimes faster than the rest of the population, and it was of operators in response to The Energy Policy Act of 2005estimated that by 2000, only 12% of new job applicantsPayne Stewart won his 2nd Open title by 1 strokecreated by EPA. would be white males. By 2001, the median age of thefrom Phil Mickelson.U.S. population would increase to 37. By 2005, 22% of all1999 (Jul 18) New York Yankees\' David ConeWA: (LM) In the final hours of the 2009 Legislative session, deep cuts were made in all areas of the generalnew workers would be immigrants. Gerry concluded thatbecame the 15th budget to fill the $9.2 Billion gap. Hardest hit this sessionfinding and keeping good employees had always been apitcher to throw a was unfortunately education . Bio-Fuel changes due tochallenge, and it wasnt going to change.perfect game cost and supply limitations - it is unlikely that the bio-dieselHI: President was Steve Schutt of Garlow Petroleum (6-0 vs Montreal).mandate set in statute will be met this year . What is dis- in Honolulu, VP was Gary Kaneshiro of Diamond Head50 Years Agoturbing about this change by the Legislature is whats goodPetroleum in Honolulu with Tom Malone of Aloha Petro-for the government is not good for the consumer. Whileleum in Honolulu as Immediate Past President. 1974 (MAY IOMN) the Legislature offered an $8M savings to the State FerryID: (ED) Vicki Patterson said that the Idaho legislaturePresident Ray System by allowing them to purchase lower-cost conven- had ruled that employers were responsible for the acts ofFrost (RF) from tional diesel fuel, the consumers are still mandated totheir employees on and off the job, a chilling message toPhoenix, AZ, ex-purchase a more costlya typical business person trying to compete for business. pressed Associa-blended product. MT: (RA) Life is good, the 56th Legislature adjournedtion Avenuea WMI: (DL)early. All in all, the session was positive for the industry.Two-Way Street. reviewed theMontanas economy would not catch a bad case of theIOMA providesMAY 1974 IOMN Cover COBRA PremiumAsian Flu, although it might suffer some sniffles. Ronnasthe opportunities and members Subsidy that was ontidbit, Only in America do we use the word politics, whichbenefit from meetings and joining in activities.the Backs describes the process so well. Poli is Latin meaning many, of Employers. and tics meaning bloodsucking creatures.An introduction toNM: (RB) New Mexico could reach a total shutdown on WPMAs UniquelyJuly 5, 1999 if there was no continuing resolution to Adapted Website forkeep the state government operating. The RepublicanNOJC (EMA) was committed to Gasolinethe petroleum marketerGovernor promised to veto any state budget, schooland Motor Fuels Resolutions.industry was shown. budget and capital outlay budget if he did not get a bill 26 www.wpma.com / Summer 2024'